Screenless Sneak A Toke Zeppelin
Sneak A Toke
Ted Benson, Founder
Q: How did Sneak A Toke start?
A: "My friend Herbie was an Indiana farm kid from a town of about 300 people, and he was one of those guys that was an instinctual mechanic; anyway, he couldn't roll a "j" so he put a few automotive parts together and brought me what looked exactly like the picture below. It worked well. I said "Herbie, we can make a lot of money from these". And he said "go ahead". So I did."
Q: What is a favorite memory from the early start-up days?
A: "I have two: The first is the only time I advertised to stores back then, a seeming ungodly expensive full page ad in "Paraphernalia," one of two trade magazines then published, the other was "Paraphernalia Digest". Anyway, the product was a few years old and I got this glowing letter from the managing editor saying he has never done this with any other advertiser but he needed to write to me. He said he tried my Sneak A Toke and he thought it "amplified" his smoking experience and all kinds of other nice stuff. And he seemed really sincere. That was cool and helpful when looking for approval or feedback of some kind as we all do when we start a business.
The second was the even more expensive one-time, 1/4 page, B&W advertisement I did a year later in High Times, in about 1979. I got a post office box and for the next 2+ YEARS, every week there was at least 6 or 8 orders, with checks or cash, a lot of weeks even more. Back then, a High Times got passed around a lot!"
Q: How has the market changed since you entered in the 70's?
A: "A lot!"
Q: What inspires your innovations?
A: "It's a form of mental illness I believe."
Q: Can you give us a hint what's next?
A: "I'm finalizing a working prototype of the "New Improved Ultra High Efficiency Combustion Sneak A Toke". After that NO MORE IDEAS!!"
Q: Do you have a motto you live by?
A: "No, but a few years ago (before I stopped doing festivals and trade shows) when I would introduce myself to young guys there as the inventor of the Sneak A Toke inevitably the most frequent reply was "Dude, you got me through high school!!" So a good company motto might be: "Sneak A Toke, Getting Kids Through High School". Jeez, maybe I'll get an award from an education association, LOL."
Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood.
~ Chief Standing Bear
Screenless Sneak A Toke Zeppelin
MADE IN AMERICA! This very popular hand pipe is based on the Original Sneak A Toke but with the convenience of a built-in screen that never needs to be replaced.
- The bowl is smooth - no interior threads for easy cleaning.
- The rubber mouth piece is hexagonal - pipe no roll.
- Extremely compact size like the Original.
- Automatically Self-Extinguishes when dropped into a pocket or purse.
- Conserves your tobacco.
- Surprisingly large capacity bowl.
- Completely Self Contained. No smoke escapes from the pipe.
Includes: Pipe, Exclusive Hexagon-Ring, “Stop-Roll” Rubber Mouthpiece and built in screen.
Materials: Solid aluminum, milled in the USA, and anodized to add the final color. A molded rubber mouth piece.
Dimensions: 2.5" x 0.75" Bowl approx. 15/16" deep x 0.75" inside diameter.
the Contiguous United States
* Does not include Alaska, Hawaii. Drop us a line here and we’ll work it
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Apache Blaze
Screenless Sneak A Toke Zeppelin
Meet the Innovator

Q: How did Sneak A Toke start?
A: "My friend Herbie was an Indiana farm kid from a town of about 300 people, and he was one of those guys that was an instinctual mechanic; anyway, he couldn't roll a "j" so he put a few automotive parts together and brought me what looked exactly like the picture below. It worked well. I said "Herbie, we can make a lot of money from these". And he said "go ahead". So I did."

A: "I have two: The first is the only time I advertised to stores back then, a seeming ungodly expensive full page ad in "Paraphernalia," one of two trade magazines then published, the other was "Paraphernalia Digest". Anyway, the product was a few years old and I got this glowing letter from the managing editor saying he has never done this with any other advertiser but he needed to write to me. He said he tried my Sneak A Toke and he thought it "amplified" his smoking experience and all kinds of other nice stuff. And he seemed really sincere. That was cool and helpful when looking for approval or feedback of some kind as we all do when we start a business.
The second was the even more expensive one-time, 1/4 page, B&W advertisement I did a year later in High Times, in about 1979. I got a post office box and for the next 2+ YEARS, every week there was at least 6 or 8 orders, with checks or cash, a lot of weeks even more. Back then, a High Times got passed around a lot!"
Q: How has the market changed since you entered in the 70's?
A: "A lot!"
Q: What inspires your innovations?
A: "It's a form of mental illness I believe."
Q: Can you give us a hint what's next?
A: "I'm finalizing a working prototype of the "New Improved Ultra High Efficiency Combustion Sneak A Toke". After that NO MORE IDEAS!!"
Q: Do you have a motto you live by?
A: "No, but a few years ago (before I stopped doing festivals and trade shows) when I would introduce myself to young guys there as the inventor of the Sneak A Toke inevitably the most frequent reply was "Dude, you got me through high school!!" So a good company motto might be: "Sneak A Toke, Getting Kids Through High School". Jeez, maybe I'll get an award from an education association, LOL."