Atom Dab Cap
Atom Dab Cap
Combo tools are always a plus. Chameleon has made the Atom Dab Cap with a tip for easy use on the business end, along with a flat end to help restrict airflow with any of your smoking pieces. Simple. Clean. Low temp love.
Dimensions: 7" long x 1" paddle cap
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The Artists of Chameleon
Phoenix, Arizona
The genesis of Chameleon Glass began on the road in the spring of 1991 with the Grateful Dead and Phish tours. Necessity being the mother of invention, many of us found ways to utilize our right brain talents to get to the next stop where we would alternate between selling our wares in the lot and making the next lot of glass for sale. Show after show, a group emerged. Some of us were sales people, some were skilled artists, and before we knew it, the nucleus of Chameleon Glass existed. Some have come, some have gone since the tour days, but much of the same group involved in the beginnings of Chameleon Glass are still in and around and are still blowing the finest glass available.